Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New Photo Update


I finally had a chance to upload all the photos we took for Carson. Here are the links to his first month and 2 month albums.


Friday, June 6, 2008

Happy 2 Months Old Birthday

Our little Carson is 2 months old now. We went to the hospital for the regular check up and also took 3 vaccine shots. He was brave and only cried a little bit while I was pretty weak and went out while he was taking shots. Sorry baby, mommy would be very sad if I saw you get hurt.

We also got the measurement of his weight and height. He's 12 lbs 4.5 oz and 22.5 inches tall. Comparing to other 2-month old babies, he's above average in weight but below average in height. Hopefully he will catch up soon.

Please forgive the lazy mommy who updates the blog so infrequently:P I'll also update some photos of him in my album ASAP.