Monday, December 17, 2007

The Name

Even before we know about Baby Chang is a boy, we started putting thoughts about his name. Our top choices name for baby girl were Francesca and Andrea and for baby boy, we have Carter and Aidan as our top 2 picks.

Since we didn't know about Baby Chang's gender by then, we had a deal about who gets name our first baby. The deal was if Baby Chang is a girl, I get to name her and if he's a boy, Ronnie will name him whatever he likes the most.

So, Baby Chang has a name right when we found out that he's a boy. Although it's not final , but for now, Baby Chang's name is~~~Carter.

Give us some feedback about what you think about the name, we are still researching on it. Thanks!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It's a BOY

It has been 5 months that we couldn't decide to call Baby Chang he or she. Finally, we can let you guys know, it's a he. I know it must be a surprise to many of you, because even I thought Baby Chang is a girl. But here is the answer from a 20-something-years-experienced doctor~It's a boy.

Yesterday, we went to do our second ultrasound and got to know Baby Chang's gender. The doctor was able to tell Baby Chang's a boy in 5 sec. I guess it's very obvious to him; however, even after he pointed out the "evidence", we still couldn't really tell. It's why you call someone "Professional".

Except knowing Baby Chang's a boy, we also got to see him again. He's much bigger than the first time we saw him. While we were taking the ultrasound, he was facing us and he seems like smiling to us. My little cutie baby, mommy loves you so much.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Dr. Appointment on Nov. 8th

Baby Chang(xiao bao) is doing well and his/her heart beat is 138/min within normal range. I've gained one pound since my first appointment with Dr. Tan. Blood pressure was 93 and 51; heart beat 69/min.

Next appointment is scheduled on Dec 4th and we are going to do the 4D ultrasound. We can bring one VHS video tape to record Baby Chang's actions. And by then, we should be able to know the gender of Baby Chang.

I should have more pictures of Baby Chang after my next appointment and I will post them here and share with you. I'm very excited and looking forward the see Baby Chang again. ^^

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Baby Chang's first pants

Last weekend, I bought the first clothes from Gymboree for Baby Chang. I know it's kinda silly since I am very far away from the due date and I don't even know it's gonna be a boy or girl. However, I had a very strong desire to buy the cute pants for Baby Chang. Here it is~Baby Chang's first pants.

PS. I guess the little dog is the main reason why I bought it. ^^

Sunday, September 23, 2007

First ultrasound

9/21/2007, Ronnie and I finally met our baby~Baby Chang. Baby is about 10 weeks big and very active. I was so touched when I first saw the little cutie. While we took the ultrasound, Baby Chang moved a lot and the two arms even waved to us like he/she was also excited about the first meeting with us.